ELEC-E7130 Assignment 2. Basic measurements

Sebastian Sonntag

Markus Peuhkuri

Tran Thien Thi

Jiang Weixuan

César Iván Olvera Espinosa

Yu Fu


  1. To complete this assignment, you need to use the knowledge learned from Assignment 1.

  2. You also need to use more Linux/Unix commands such as dig, curl or crontab as well as to make shell scripts.

    If you are not very familiar with Linux and Python, you can

    1. Watch the latency measurement and throughput measurement for this assignment. (You can find it also in the video section.) You could learn how to better start taking measurements in the video. You may wish to apply them in tasks.

    2. View supporting documents and linux_intro.pdf to look at those commands and codes in detail. It will help you in doing your assignment.

    3. Take a look at some code and code snippets 2 which may give you some help.

  3. You need to have data processing skills. If you need guidance or further insights, you could refer to the introductory video data analysis.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this assignment, students should be able to

  1. Measure network latency and throughput.
  2. Learn some skills to make data processing easier.
  3. Learn to analyze the performance of different servers.
  4. Analyse the stability and variations of the network latency.
  5. Analyse the methods to measure the throughput.


This assignment has three tasks that complement ones for the first assignment. Please read all instructions before starting because it is helpful to identify common work.

Task 1: Measurements metrics

You must answer the following points appropriately:

  1. Explain the concept of network packet loss, its definition, calculation method, and its impact on network performance.
  2. Compare the concepts and characteristics of mean and median, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
  3. What is network stability? How can network stability be measured using various indicators or metrics?

Task 2: Measuring latency

For this task, you need to measure the latency on your own computer. If you are using macOS or Linux, you can easily utilize commands or execute shell scripts. However, if you are using Windows, we strongly recommend installing Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) or a Linux virtual machine on your computer to do the tasks. Also note that macOS command line utilities originate from BSD Unix and have different options than GNU based utilities in Ubuntu. You might need to adapt command and use workarounds.

  1. Choose 3 name servers, 3 research servers and 2 iperf servers based on instructions at the servers section of this assignment. Start measurements and collect data for at least 24 hours using a shell script and crontab.

    Note: Leave measurements running at least for two weeks due to this data will be used in the Final Assignment. Also put yourself a reminder to stop measurements after two weeks.

    It is recommended to use your own computer as the measurement source even if it is not running 24/7 as it will give more interesting results. Extend measurement time accordingly to have sufficient count of measurements. Even if you have metered subscription, the data volume won’t be significant one.

    The table below describes the methods to apply for each server selected to measure the latency and defines the running time of the scripts based on the columns ‘Script executed’ and ‘Selecting the minute’ to their respective servers.

    Measuring latency of each server with different method
    Server Script executed Selecting the minute Method 1 Method 2
    3 name servers Every hour at studentid modulo 60 [1] 5 ICMP echo request [2] DNS query [3]
    3 research servers Every 10 mins at studentid modulo 10 [1] 5 ICMP echo request [2] -
    2 iperf servers Every 10 mins at studentid modulo 10 [1] 5 ICMP echo request [2] TCP connect latency [4]


    1. A recommended way to get distributed (among students) value for minutes is to run on Linux expr $(id -u) % 60, where $id is not actually student id, but it is the Linux user ID (UID), but will serve an approximate one.
    2. Using the command ping focusing on the rtt.
      • For Linux, check -O and -D options.
      • For macOS, check the ts tool.
    3. Using the shell script http-dig.sh that can be found from supporting_material-code.zip, the focus is on measuring the latency by considering both the query time and time_connect. The total latency is obtained by summing the query time and time_connect. Running the script without any arguments provides a help message.
    4. Using the command curl to send the 1K.bin file, thereby it does not cause too much load, and to focus on the variables time_connect and time_namelookup (check -w options) to get the TCP connect latency by subtracting the time_connect - time_namelookup.


  2. Report a table with following metrics for each of your target servers, including the results obtained using all methods (ones for method 1 and others for method 2).

    Example results from latency measurements in milliseconds.
    Type Server Method Median delay Mean delay Loss ratio Delay spread
    name server_1 a.nsset.be ping 29.839 30.357 0.0% 0.324
    name server_2 b.nsset.be ping 29.743 29.940 0.0% 0.293
    name server_3 y.nsset.be ping 12.157 12.773 0.0% 0.924
    name server_1 a.nsset.be dig 32.000 49.384 0.0% 4.000
    name server_2 b.nsset.be dig 28.000 29.846 0.0% 4.000
    name server_3 y.nsset.be dig 12.000 13.076 0.0% 0.002
    research server_1 cbg-uk.ark.caida.org ping 40.748 40.963 0.0% 0.047
    research server_2 us-man.nordu.net ping 21.744 22.666 0.0% 2.314
    research server_3 scl-cl.ark.caida.org ping 232.550 232.910 0.0% 0.530
    iperf server_1 ok1.iperf.comnet-student.eu ping 0.834 1.776 0.0% 2.254
    iperf server_2 blr1.iperf.comnet-student.eu ping 311.134 316.091 0.0% 13.338
    iperf server_1 ok1.iperf.comnet-student.eu curl 0.001 0.002 0.0% 0.001
    iperf server_2 blr1.iperf.comnet-student.eu curl 0.328 0.330 0.0% 0.011
  3. Finally, make conclusions about stability of network delay. Were some of the hosts different from the others? Could you observe any daytime variations? Do the timezones where target servers (or you) have an impact?

Report, task 2

Task 3: Measuring throughput

In this task, you will evaluate throughput using three different ways: file transfer, a specialized measurement tool, and a measurement service. The measurement service way requires manual execution, while the remaining ways can be automated using tools like crontab. Finally, you will compare the results obtained from these different approaches.

  1. Start measurement and collect data for at least 24 hours using a shell script and crontab, and describe your measurement setup in the report.

    NOTE: Leave measurements running at least for two weeks due to this data will be used in the Final Assignment. Also put yourself a reminder to stop measurements after two weeks.

    It is recommended to use your own computer as the measurement source even if it is not running 24/7 as it will give more interesting results. Extend measurement time accordingly to have sufficient count of measurements. Note, however, if you use metered subscription where you are charged by data volume, you might not want to use one.

    The table below defines the methods focused on measuring the throughput in different ways since most network users are interested only in a single factor: how many bits per second can be downloaded or sent with their network connection. Therefore, run the following throughput tests at your home with your own computer.

    In optimum cases, one of the latency measurements should be run simultaneously as the throughput measurements.

    Measuring throughput in different ways
    Way Script executed Selecting the minute Method 1 Tool
    1) by file transfer Every hour at studentid modulo 60 [2] HTTP download tool [3] curl
    2) by a specialized measurement tool Every hour at studentid modulo 60 [2] Network performance measurement tool [4] iperf3
    3) by a measurement service Manually [1] - Measurement service e.g. Speed Test


    1. Run a few measurements by hand with method 3 within the same time frame and write down the date, time, and results from it
    2. A recommended way to get distributed (among students) value for minutes is to run on Linux expr $(id -u) % 60, where $id is not actually student id, but it is the Linux user ID (UID), but will serve an approximate one.
    3. Download files from the target server using some HTTP download tool (curl recommended)
    4. Network performance measurement tool iperf3 for 10 seconds in both upload and download directions (check -t option).

    NOTE: Target servers for the method 1 and 2 are the same as the two iperf3 servers in Task 2.

  2. Make a table where you results from these 3 methods and calculate basic statistics, such as mean, median, max, min and average deviation(mean absolute deviation). Note that for methods 2 and 3 you will receive upload (UL) and download (DL) readings. Report them separately.

    Example results from throughput measurements in megabits per second.
    Key HTTP (server 1) HTPP (server 2) Iperf UL (server 1) Iperf DL (server 1) Iperf UL (server 2) Iperf DL (server 2) ST UL ST DL
    2021-10-13 18:08:01 59.7905 1.1123 - - - - 33.54 94.17
    2021-10-13 19:08:01 54.8992 0.3974 11.8925 86.7741 0.2358 - - -
    Mean 53.961954 0.4740 10.4326 84.5329 0.3156 0.5744 32.9 91.775
    Median 57.3448 0.3261 11.8049 84.4473 0.2358 0.5744 32.9 91.775
    Min 40.7213 0.1317 7.6005 82.3772 0.1646 0.4169 32.26 89.38
    Max 60.4366 1.1123 11.8925 86.7741 0.5464 0.7319 33.54 94.17
    Avg deviation 4.1048 0.1969 0.1298 3.0690 0.1056 0.2335 0.9488 3.5508

Report, task 3

TIPS: Look how the log file structure looks like, and you could modify the existing parse.py file to suit the objective.



In the Aalto servers, the course includes some tools including mycountry which assigns your country based on your ùserid and performs a few checks, and provides some name servers related to the country.

  1. The following commands must be run in one of Aalto server computers to execute mycountry

    source /work/courses/unix/T/ELEC/E7130/general/use.sh

    Note: You may need to type the command kinit before to access to the directory. Also the source works with bourne shell compatible shells: bash and zsh (current Aalto default shell).

    The command will print something like this:

    br OK (Brazil): d.dns.br, e.dns.br, f.dns.br, a.dns.br, c.dns.br,
    b.dns.br Your UID is 1346517, thus your ccTLD is br (Brazil)

    For this example, the country assigned is Brazil with the next name servers:

  2. In order to select three servers, you need to test the connection to the servers, if none of the nameservers do not respond to ICMP messages, try using traceroute to find the last hop before that server and use it as a target (it responds).

    Warning: Do not test traffic more frequently than twice an hour.

    If you do not know which domain names exist, try a search news site:br with one popular search engine. Actually, it should not make a difference if the domain exists or not.

Note: You need to run the mycountry command yourself at Aalto IT kosh.aalto.fi, lyta.aalto.fi, brute.aalto.fi or force.aalto.fi server. You can access them easily via SSH connection remotely. In the Aalto campus network direct DNS queries are disallowed from normal client networks. However, those are allowed from above servers. On the other hand, the same filtering applies to typical residential networks too. You need to run actual DNS latency tests from those servers from where direct DNS requests are allowed.

Note: Also make sure that you do not ask information from the local name server but the one far away!

Research servers

There are few distributed research testbeds, including Caida ARK that researchers can utilize for internet-wide measurements. Here we test latency for a few of these sites where we use the servers below.

  1. Based on the next formulas (use integer division), select three servers from tables below hosts: one from the first table, and two from the second table.

    Select one: id0
    id0 Server 1
    0 cbg-uk.ark.caida.org
    1 arn-se.ark.caida.org
    2 bcn-es.ark.caida.org
    Select two: id1a and id1b
    id1x Server 2 Server 3
    0 bjl-gm.ark.caida.org jfk-us.ark.caida.org
    1 hkg-cn.ark.caida.org eug-us.ark.caida.org
    2 scl-cl.ark.caida.org hnl-us.ark.caida.org
    3 cjj-kr.ark.caida.org msy-us.ark.caida.org
    4 nrt-jp.ark.caida.org sjc2-us.ark.caida.org
    5 mnl-ph.ark.caida.org san2-us.ark.caida.org

    Warning: Traffic towards this destination can be more frequent (measurement intervals of 10 minutes towards these destinations are acceptable).

    For example, if the studentID is 123456 and modulo 3 is applied to it in the case of server, the result will be 0 and therefore the server 2 to use is bjl-gm.ark.caida.org.

Iperf servers

Iperf3 servers accept only one connection at a time. The hosts running Iperf3 servers used in this course are configured to run 11 different instances, each on a different port from 5200 to 5210. Utilize , for example, $RANDOM variable to select port (-p option) at random.

  1. The first iperf3 server to use is local ok1.iperf.comnet-student.eu.

  2. The second iperf3 server is selected according to id2 = studentID modulo 2 according to the following table.

    the second iperf server
    id2 Far away iperf server
    0 blr1.iperf.comnet-student.eu
    1 sgp1.iperf.comnet-student.eu


As with all assignments with periodic automated measurements, verify few hour after setup that commands are run with right paramiters and with right intervals, not too early. A common mistake has been that iperf3 command has been run way too long which will result errors for other students.

Grading standard

To pass this course, you need to achieve at least 15 points in this assignment. And if you submit the assignment late, you can get a maximum of 15 points.

You can get up to 30 points for this assignment:

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

The quality of the report (bonus 2p)

The instruction of assignment

For the assignment, your submission must contain (Please don’t contain original data in your submission):

Regarding the report, your report must have:


Delay spread

Delay spread is absolute difference of two quantilities. If like 25% of measurements are <= 125 ms and 75% are <= 175 ms then the delay spread between 25th ad 75th perceintiles are 50 ms (175 ms - 125 ms).

Aalto network topology